Hipsterama Headline Animator

Friday, November 28, 2008

check out hipsterama.com!

hey - it's been too long since i last wrote on this blog. sorry about that. i guess school is very distracting this year. plus the play i was just in, which by the way was Rumors by Neil Simon. i played ernie. i'll try to get some photos from the show up soon. you will not recognize me. not only is my hair short, but it's parted on the side, gelled down, and i'm wearing glasses. hilarious...

anyway, i wanted to tell you all about my mom's new blog. it's called hipsterama, and you will love it. check it out here.


Friday, August 8, 2008

How I spent August 2nd - My Volunteer Day Project

in case you haven't heard, here's what happened:

see you next week!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alex's Lemonade Stand - my personal Volunteer Day project!

Link to ALSF on your own site!

i will be posting a video soon with the details of where my stand will be set up and what hours it will be open, but i wanted to let everyone know that for Volunteer Day on august 2 i am going to host an Alex's Lemonade Stand to help raise money to fight childhood cancers. if you don't know about alex or what Alex's Lemonade Stand is all about, click the logo above and it will take you to the website.


Friday, June 20, 2008

oreos and milk. 'nuf said.

hey guys

so i made this vid about oreos and milk for the Oreo Moments contest. its episode 21 of Dylan's Couch, but since it was made for the contest it doesn't have the theme song or a blooper, since the contest had a limit of 3 minutes. it was fun to make that vid, especially since i messed up a few times and had to do the part where i eat the cookie over and over! mmmmm... oroes and milk are the greatest. on the comments to that video a lot of people said that they LOVED oreos with milk, but some people said they've never had oreos and milk together! WHAT?!? so sad! at least now they can try it and find out what they've been missing!

so its a contest, right... so if you go over to this page:


please VOTE for my vid. all ya gotta do is click the little "thumbs up" by my video. i think you can vote once a day until the contest ends. 8)

so yea - i gotta go eat some oreos


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Volunteer Day Playlist!!!

thanx to tryingtohelpmyself, majjiic1, stacyviacomsucks, and x33aslanx33 for your videos.

i know the rest of you are saying - how can i get into this playlist??? easy! send me your vids in support of Volunteer Day. you know you wanna...


Friday, May 30, 2008

YouTube Volunteer Day

you: what is this "volunteer day" that you speak of???


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rabbit Bites Interview

hey guys!

i just did an interview with Buns and Chou Chou of Rabbit Bites! Buns and Chou Chou are these awesome rabbits who have their own interview web show. the new york times calls the show "twisted and sublime." (that's a pretty cool thing to be called by the new york times, don't you think?) anyway, i'm not sure when the interview will be up (rabbits may be quick editors - who knows?) but you can check out the show on their website here and on youtube here.

buns and chou chou - you rock! 8)


Friday, May 23, 2008

Link to a Video of the Streaming Media East panel

hey - in case you have an extra 50 minutes of time to kill and you're interested in what kids are watching and downloading online - here's a link to a vid of the panel i participated in at the Streaming Media East conference that i talked about in my last post.

8) dylan

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Streaming Media East Conference

hey guys

on tuesday May 20th i was a panelist at the streaming media east conference in new york city. i was part of a panel of people in high school and college who were there to talk about how they use online media - video and music - and what young people are interested in. it was very cool. the moderator was peter cervieri who has a company you can check out at scribemedia.org. although a lot of us on the panel had different opinions on things like internet advertising and what we like to watch online, there were a few things we all agreed on:

we all own an "isomething" (an iPod, iPhone, etc)
we all use a mac instead of a PC (that one kinda surprised me)
and we all said we watch more media online than on tv.

so yeah - it was super fun and i got to have lunch with some really cool people - kipkay from metacafe, ben relles (creator of the "obama girl" videos), paul kontonis from foryourimagination.com , and nalts !

so how about you? do you agree with our panel? do you watch more media online than on tv? do you think it's shocking that all the young people on the panel use a mac? feel free to post your comments!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008


hey there

so in my email newsletter that i sent out, i mentioned that i was busy with baseball, and a few people wrote back asking about that. yep. i play baseball. i started when i was really little (yay t-ball!) and right now i play JV at school. my position is 2nd base and my uniform number is 2. (coincidence??? hmmmm... ) so now when you're all annoyed because i haven't put a new episode up for a long time, you can think to yourself "he's probably at a baseball game!" and you might be right! 8)


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

big blue button = mailing list

hey guys

some of you already know that i started doing an email newsletter thing. so that's why there's a big blue button (bbb) off to the right of the page. if you want to get an email newsletter about what's new with the Dylan's Couch show, when new episodes are coming up, contests (like the ipod contest) etc, hit the bbb and enter your email. i promise i won't sell your info. you'll just get cool emails from me. 8)


Monday, April 28, 2008

wanna win an ipod shuffle?

hey, if you haven't noticed, i just put a new survey on www.DylansCouch.com. the original one was full (you're only allowed something like 5000 responses with the free Survey Monkey account...) so i decided to put up a new one. so just click on the link at the top of the page. If you fill out the survey and provide your email address or YouTube username, you could win an ipod shuffle! i'm gonna pick one person at random from all the survey responses. So go respond, ok?


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

really - that was my FIRST lesson!

hey guys

i was reading thru the comments on my drivin' video last night and a ton of people seemed to think that wasn't really my first time driving. So to set the record straight:

1.) that was the first time my parents took me to a parking lot and let me drive out in the open. my mom has let me back the car out of the driveway a few times before. (and if you've learned on a manual, you know it's a little easier to learn the clutch in reverse than in 1st gear.)
2.) at times when it looked like i was driving really fast the vid was playing in fast motion. i drove really slowly in reality.
3.) i did stall one time. it was edited out because it was kinda boring.. i just restarted the engine and started back up again!

so that's the facts!


Monday, April 21, 2008


hey guys!

yes, i had my first driving lesson over the weekend. and yes, i am too young to drive. see, both my parents drive stick shifts, so my mom said i could start learning early because she thinks it's gunna take me a lot longer to learn compared to kids who learn on automatics. so she let me have my first lesson even though i had just turned 15. sweeeeeet. but i didn't really go on the street, we stayed in the parking lot the whole time. still, it was awesome! maybe next time i'll be able to shift into 3rd gear LOL (i was lucky they let me shift into 2nd - my dad wanted me to stay in 1st the whole time!) so yeah, that was real, but no, i'm NOT old enough to get a license. or even a permit. not for another year, but by that time i should be able to drive better than my mom! (i'm pretty sure i do already...)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dylan's Couch named official Webby Award Honorees!!! In both Viral and Comedy Series categories!

i'm in a rush (i'm at school) but i wanted to let you know that dylan's couch has been selected as an Honoree for the Webby Awards in two categories! please look here for the viral category, and here for the comedy series category. (wow - the other honorees in the comedy series category include 30 Rock, the Onion TV, and the New York Times!)

And thanks to Nalts for including it in his blog - willvideoforfood.com - here.

more later!!!